2013年4月11日 星期四

我與Iris van Herpen的問答環節

話說Iris van Herpen與Nick Knight、Daphne Guinness和Geoffrey Lillemon等人近日合作設計了一套全新的 Crystallization dress,為了隆重其事,一系列整色整水的活動當然少不了,其中有個現場視像直播的活動,Iris親臨showstudio.com講解這件Crystallization dress的來龍去脈之餘,更設有Q&A環節,與觀眾即場互動一番(看來這是Nick Knight近年很喜歡的一回事,下星期輪到Lulu Kennedy!),於是小弟就膽粗粗地嘗試向她提問,那知IvH又居然回應我,雖然都咁幾無聊,但還是公開我和她們的對答吧.......

Q. Can you each recommend a book and a piece of music that inspires you?

Iris: One book that really inspired me directly is A Short History of Nearly Everything. It goes through life from different times, from the very beginning of the Earth until now, and it has a little bit about everything, from humans and how the body works to animals and microorganisms. It also inspired the Voltage collection because it explains how much energy is trapped inside the body and that we're not good at getting this energy out.

It's hard to give one piece of music…I'm trying to think of a piece of music that inspired me directly, because mostly it doesn't. I will have to think about that.

Geoffrey: A book that inspired me is The Secret History of the World, which is completely crazy. I find it inspiring because it makes me not stress out about the small things in life. It goes deep into the teachings of the mystery schools, Masonic society and how we all stem from plants.

Music wise, I like really intense music of all genres, anything that has an emotional drive, so intense jazz music, madly psychotic orchestras, vivacious punk bands, earth shattering soul music, all of these different tempos that are available in sound. I find the Kind of Blue album by Miles Davis very inspiring because it gives me peace of mind so that I can think clearly. It has a pretty intense undertone to it. The sound of heartbeats is also quite inspiring.

Salvador: I used to have a very relaxing song that I listen to. There's this one radio station called the Drone Zone, which plays one constant tone that changes over time and it goes on forever. It's inspiring because it made my room timeless. Also the Aphex Twin album Selected Ambient Works Volume II is a bit like that, super-minimalistic but also microtonal. I tend to really like music when it's microtonal because it has so many more colours in it.

Geoffrey: Microtonal?

Salvador: Normally I have twelve notes in one octave but, for example, there's a piano that has 96 notes and it's just one octave, so you can play notes next to each other and hear the subtle difference in height. There's also Preludio a Colon by the Mexican composer Julian Carrillo. It's a really beautiful piece of music from 1923. There are harps and the singers can even do this microtonal singing so precisely that it's absurd.

For a book...Actually, Iris and I read A Short History of Nearly Everything together. I found that book very inspiring because it's scientific but easy to understand and it doesn't go into things too deeply. Instead it gives an overview of all sorts of different things. It really helped to open us up to certain fields and inspired us to go deeper into the ones that interested us by reading other books.

承然地,她回答我的那部書A Short History of Nearly Everything本人未曾看過,而音樂方面Iris小姐又話要"will have to think about that",所以我與她的互動其實好像是什麼都無問過似的,反而Geoffrey Lillemon和Salvador Breed就「一輪嘴」地回應我一系列的問題.......不過這絶對是一個非常不錯的體會,建議香港那些潮流網站也不妨參考參考,邀請Wyman出來和我們對談對談也是好的~


